Bending Reality TV Royston Potter Sounds Off
Video By: Royston Potter
Posted: September 21, 2021

Royston Potter Sounds Off

"MAGA is actually the feminine form of magos which means, witch or warlock"

"The statue of liberty is a statue that represents Lucifer?"

Trump and Flynn aren't who they are presenting themselves to be"

"People like Flynn, Trump and Alex Jones trouble me, because they speak with forked tongues"

"The question is which God?"

"We are country that worships Satan"

"What's the legacy of our country? Killing millions and millions of babies for conveniences sake"

"The massacre in Las Vegas in October of 2017 was a sacrifice to his God"

"It is a time of dividing. It is a time of revealing"

Series > Search for Truth

TAGS: Milley, Austin, Royston Potter, Military, Influence, Speech, Gathering, Donald Trump, Cocktails, Alcohol, Relax, Self Care, Honesty, Responsibility, Taking a Stand, Fan, Fail, Intelligence Official, Drama, Summer, Election, Video, Periscope, Oath Session, Fallen Angels, Groups, Communities, Peer Pressure, Suspect, Principals, Coup, Military Takeover, Difficulties, Positive, Negative, Psychological Warfare, Trumpet, Watchman, Traitors, Maga, Magos, Legions, Gods, States, Union, Constitution, Slavery, Succession, Oliver North, Respect, General Michal Flynn, Statue of Liberty, Theosophy, Madam Blavatsky, France, Aleister Crowley, Spirit Inclinations, Gods Conduct, Faith, Prayer, Arch Angels, 7 Rays of Light, Conquered America, Worship, 1776 Revolution, Lucifer, Name of Lucifer, Helel Ben Shahar, Thessalonians, Scamdemics, Pharmakia, Man of Sin, Revelation, Alex Jones, Discernment, Evil Men, Owen Shroyer, Forked Tongues, Pride, God, Nazi, Bush Family, Balfor Declaration, Jobs, Australia Workers, Police Brutality, Yehoshua HaMashiach, Set, World War 2, Democracy, Mob Rule, Endless War, Stealing Lives, Stealing Wealth, 1865, Bill of Rights, Afghanistan, Boogey Man, Shooting, Weather Underground, Vicky Weaver, Waco, Child Abuse, David Koresh, Ungodly, Oklahoma City, 9/11, Accusations, Official Records, Gulf of Tonkin, Ruby Ridge, Standoff, Invasion of Iraq, 2020 Election, Omissions, Leftists, Communists, Abortion, GMI, Family, Hero, Where We Go One We Go All, WWG1WGA, George Bush, Five Eyes, Joe Biden, Authoritarians, Deception, Sec Lloyd, Apollo, King of Israel, Palantir , Power, Entity, Las Vegas Shooting, History, Destruction, Gods Creation, Division, Revealing, Meteor, Kabbalah, Talmudic Judaism, Trust, Nirvana, Lie, Age of Deception, DNA, Eating, Lt Colonel Sheller, Opposites, Cave, Feeding, Dogma, Praying, Knowing God,

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