Bending Reality TV The Search for Truth - Christ, Which Jesus?
By: Michael Stephens
Original Video Release: April 01, 2021
Bending Reality Published: April 08, 2021

In this video Royston Potter discusses different aspects of his 40 years of research into Christianity and his book "The Crimson Thread: The Struggle to Become Jesus During the Revolt Against Rome, An Historical Novel"

Some of subjects covered are, Clementine, Paul the Apostle, Robet Eisenman, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic Scriptures, the Jerusalem Church, James brother of Jesus, Gospel of Mark, Bible written in Hebrew, Kabbalah, rabbinic Judaism, Book of Jasher, Council of Nicea, Epistle of James, many saviors, Josephus, biased history, Yeshua in comparison to Yehoshua, and the real name of Jesus.

"Also he was not from Nazareth as it is unlikely such a place existed at the time"

"And of course his name was not Jesus"

In Progress:

Series: Search for Truth/Christ

TAGS: Royston Potter, Christianity, Jesus, Christ, Bible,

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