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By: Michael Stephens
March 22, 2021


I’ve been busy with family.

I’ve resisted writing and expressing myself for some time because not only does it go against some of my current beliefs but also because my works and likeness are quite often stolen and twisted into works and expressions by others.

There is also the matter of many implied threats by government and military.

For instance on March 08, 2021 a law enforcement police helicopter circled our home for what seemed like at least an hour. This was the day after the one year anniversary of the publishing of a prophecy and my comment on Gab about it.

I am sure they had some other supposed excuse for doing it and perhaps maybe they felt more free to do it after the FAA didn’t seem to think my complaints of intimidation by air had any merit. The truth is I didn’t get to fully finish my complaint so the FAA only had a little bit of a complaint.

With that said I aim to publish thoughts on what is going on, my experience as well as many other things. Because I haven’t done any writing with an editor for a while and have been unable to find a new copy editor some writings may be rough. When I used to write daily I felt very comfortable with what was being expressed.

I am working to build the website in a way that I can maintain and update as I see in my vision. It might be easier to achieve the website style I am trying to perfect with WordPress or database scripts but because I’ve had so many things hacked I will have to achieve my desired style with simple programming. With that said I haven’t been a regular website coder for about a decade so be patient while I try to understand new coding and browser compatibilities.

Thank you,
Michael Stephens
Bending Reality™

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